Why Shadow Work Strengthens Manifestation Abilities
More and more of us are becoming aware of our abilities to manifest the things that we want. Whether we were taught that manifestation is possible through religion, which often speaks about the power of the tongue and speaking things into existence, or, if we are experiencing spiritual awakenings or learning about alchemy and the universal laws, we are starting to hear more and more about manifestation. You may have even noticed several manifestation coaches emerging and speaking about the power of positive thinking and positive affirmations. Positive affirmations can either be spoken or written or you can simply just repeat them over and over in your head. There is a great emphasis being placed on thinking positive and the Clear, Cancel, Delete method which involves pushing negative thoughts out of your mind and letting the universe or your higher power know that you do not intend for any of the negative thoughts you had in mind to come into fruition. You will also find that many manifestation coaches will tell you to replace negative thoughts with positive ones. These are affective methods for manifestation because it helps you to catch yourself when you are thinking in a negative manner. This is on a conscious level.
However, what about the subconsious?
We manifest from or subconscious mind as well. Often times, this is where negative thoughts are stemming from and often times, they will not go away on a subconscious level if they are not addressed and if we do not get down to the root of why we are thinking that way in the first place. Sometimes we do need to push things out of our minds and think positively in order to function as productive members of society. For example, at work, they often say we should leave our personal problems at the door. Sometimes it is not appropriate to explore negative thoughts in depth. However, eventually, they will need to be addressed and not suppressed. If the same negative thought keeps popping up in your mind, that is a clue that the source of the thought should be investigated and is probably related to unhealed trauma or fears that are hidden in the subconscious. Since we manifest from our subconscious, we can manifest unfavorable circumstances for ourselves, unbeknownst to us if we have unhealed trauma and fears hidden in our subconscious mind. This is why Shadow Work is important when it comes to manifestation.
What is Shadow work?
Shadow Work involves exploring trauma, fears, negative patterns and habits, codependency issues, unforgiveness, insecurities and etc. Embracing the parts of ourselves that we don’t necessarily like and things that we are ashamed of. We cannot release things that we suppress, so by bringing these things to the surface and addressing them, we can heal from and release things that don’t serve our greatest and highest good. Often times, this journey of self reflection will require you to spend time alone, with yourself and your thoughts. It can get lonely. If you are fortunate, you will have family and friends who will support your journey. Often times, they may not initially, but when they see the healing that is taking place within you and how the circumstances in your life are improving, they may come on board. It is important to stay dedicated to your Shadow Work journey as there may be outside influences that try to get you off course. You may find that you may have to remove some people from your life or temporarily withdraw your energy from certain people. You may find that the types of content that you are interested in will change. You will start to see signs and synchronicities showing you that you are on the right path and you will start to attract people into your life that are going to be in alignment with your healing.
By doing Shadow Work, you will be training your subconscious mind to not default to negative thoughts and feelings and therefore, manifesting will be easier for you on both a conscious and subconscious level.
Stay tuned, I will be providing more information on Shadow Work and manifestation and thank you for taking the time to read my first Capricorn Moon Goddess Blog!
click the link below to see me discussing more about shadow work and manifestation.