June 5th Love Reading
“This person is choosing you. You get a new start with blissful, fulfilling love.”

June 5 Financial Reading
“You are the magician and they are the trickster. Speak life into your finances and they will grow!”

Smokeless Smudging: How to Create Your Own Smudge Spray
When it comes to smudging, most people think of burning certain woods, resins and herbs… However, for people who suffer from allergies and asthma, smudging in this way can trigger allergic reactions. Itchy eyes, coughing, eczema, trouble breathing and etc.

Why Shadow Work Strengthens Manifestation Abilities
Since we manifest from our subconscious, we can manifest unfavorable circumstances for ourselves, unbeknownst to us if we have unhealed trauma and fears hidden in our subconscious mind. This is why Shadow Work is important when it comes to manifestation.