June 5 Financial Reading

CARDS: Knight of Wands | Justice | 4 of Wands | 7 of Swords | Knight of Cups | The Magician | King of Wands | Queen of Cups | The Devil

Zodiacs (that stood out) : Libra, Capricorn

You will see your finances start to balance out and then increase as a form of retribution (compensation) for a wrong that you suffered at the hands of someone or even multiple people that you cut ties with. When you decided to break the bond with them, they wished suffering upon you. They did not want you to be happy without them. They may or may not have understood that their passion mixed with their negative thoughts and/or words towards you would materialize into temporary blockages for you monetarily. However, words are a form of sorcery and spell work. You can counteract that energy by speaking positivity over your finances and being confident that your positive words hold more weight than their negative ones. This could have been a mother figure or an ex lover or friend (Queen of Cups/Knight of Wands).

They wanted you to feel like you needed them (The Devil Card) and may even be waiting on you to ask them to swoop in and save the day. However, they don’t want you to realize that they hoped you would run into problems just so you would have to ask them to help you solve them (7 of Swords/Knight of Cups).

Trust in your own power. You do not need anyone that you have cut ties with because they hurt you to come back and save you. You are the magician and they are a trickster. Speak life into your finances and they will grow. Return their negative energy back to them and call your energy back to you pure and untainted!

-Ciarra aka Capricorn Moon Goddess.


June 5th Love Reading


June 5 General Reading